Our process
Become Informed
Fill Out the Paperwork
Fill out the New Patient Information, Patient Medical History Questionnaire and the Psychological paperwork (this form is for patients who do not already have a Lap Band) which you can download from the website by clicking here or pick up at our office.
Allow 48 Hours for Scheduling
If you return your forms to our office, please allow us 48 hours to input your information into our computer system and check your insurance benefits before we call you to schedule your appointment. Please include your height and current weight on your paperwork.
Schedule A Consultation
After we review your medical information and are satisfied that we have all of the information we need, we will schedule an appointment for you to come to the office and have a consultation with your surgeon. Again, please allow 48 hours for this process. Occasionally we need to do some additional medical testing. You will also have a meeting with our financial adviser who will go over those issues with you.
Complete The Psychological Screening
We feel strongly that if there are untreated problems such as anxiety or depression, this should be addressed and controlled before surgery so that our patients will have the best chance of success. Most insurance companies require a psychological eval to be approved for surgery.
Nutritional Counseling
Attend a nutritional counseling with our Registered Nurse and learn how to make the healthy food choices that will enable your success. You will learn the guidelines to follow both before and after surgery.
Complete the EMMI Website Tutorial
Complete the EMMI website tutorial for your procedure (we will give you an access code to begin your tutorial online at your first office visit). This step MUST be completed before your preoperative appointment will be scheduled.
Complete Financial Arrangements
Complete any necessary financial arrangements and schedule your surgery date.
Preoperative visit with the surgeon
Return for a final preoperative visit with the surgeon. We will answer any remaining questions and complete necessary paperwork for your pre-admission at the hospital or Surgery Center.
Success Stories
Together with our patients, our joint efforts have produced some of the most inspiring weight loss stories in Georgia. View Success Stories Here.
Meet Dr. Kent
As a surgeon, weight reduction is especially meaningful to me. We are able to make an impact on our patient’s physical health and on their entire lives. Learn More
Could this be the answer you’ve been looking for?
Call today to schedule a Consultation!

(912) 264-9274
Opening Hours
Mon – Thurs: 9 am – 5 pm
Fri: Closed
Sat, Sun: Closed
3226 – F Hampton Avenue
Brunswick, GA 31520
Toll Free: 866.459.LIVE